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For use with Concept2 PM5s and PM4s. Garmin Comfort chest belt for displaying heart rate data on the Performance Monitor.
For use on all Model D, E, Dynamic Indoor Rowers, SkiErg1s and SkiErg2s. This is the metal perforated part of the flywheel cage that wraps around the circumference of the flywheel. This part includes the connectors, screw and nut. See more info.
Für den Einsatz mit einem PM3, PM4 oder PM5 Monitor. Der Aufsatz passt auf die Oberseite des Performance Monitors und bietet Platz für Ihr Smartphone.
Used in various places on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower and the gray SkiErg manfactured between July 2009–July 2014. See more info.
This is the flywheel cover bolt for the Model D and E Indoor Rower and all SkiErgs. Order four per machine.
This is the handle hook screw on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. See more info.
Used on the guide bracket of Model D Indoor Rowers, and on the rear leg of Model C and D Indoor Rowers.
This is the monitor bolt nut for the Model D and E Indoor Rower and all SkiErgs.
Used in various places on the Model D, E and Dynamic Indoor Rower and all SkiErgs.
For use on all BikeErgs. This is the generator that connects to part number 2407, generator cable.